Design Patterns, TDD, and Best Practices Need to be Removed From Our Brains

They are holding us back from our true potential.

Leo Guinan
4 min readSep 18, 2020
Model of a human brain
Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash

I was writing some code the other day, as I do most days. As with most days, I found myself thinking about what I was writing, and how it fits into the overall system architecture. Then I started pondering how we needed a more robust integration testing suite, and let my brain wander a bit. Then I came back to what I was working on, and tried to make the code I was writing fit into the system in the appropriate way. And it was hard.

I was doing everything right. But this was still hard.

I have been a professional programmer for almost a decade. I have studied design patterns. I have a BS in Computer Science, an MS in Software Engineering, and I am working on a second MS in Information Technology. I am fluent in several different programming languages. I love Test-Driven Development (TDD) and have been using it almost exclusively for several years. I was doing everything right. But this was still hard. It wasn’t something that should have been hard, but it was.


I started pondering this, and I realized something. There was a time when these concepts were important. They still can be in select situations. But for the most part, we…

