My Intellectual Revolution

Leo Guinan
3 min readSep 10, 2020

And what I Learned from it

Stenciled lettering reading “Think Before You Speak. Read Before You Think”
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

I was hesitant to use those words as a title, but since I did so, let’s define them.

Intellectual — referring to the way I think about the world

Revolution — a great deal of change in a relatively short period of time.

I have been working on shaping the way I think for years. I have always felt that there was some way I could optimize my brain and let me make leaps that no one else could.

And the leaps never came. I got better at bits and pieces of my life and career. But I never made a leap.

View overlooking cliff
Photo by Eddy Billard on Unsplash

Until I did.

It took viewing problems from a different angle. I have been working on understanding the world through my view of it. What I needed to do was to understand the world through everyone’s view of it. And the perspective I gained was invaluable.

We are taught in life to be scientists. We pose a question. We form a hypothesis.

The hypothesis is the problem. Usually we define is as an educated guess.

Educated is the problem. What does educated mean? It means we think we know…

